Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A Failing Upwards Example

Failing Upward, SEC and Madoff Catchup

Here's a great overview of where some of the SEC'ers responsible for oversight of the Madoff funds have moved on to.  No surprise, they appear to have Failed Upwards. 

Shocking.  I know.

Monday, December 14, 2009

A Failing Upwards Example

I recognize that this article is a few weeks old, but the content relates directly to Failing Upwards. Note that many of those responsible for the financial crisis have largely moved on (to bigger and better positions, I'm sure) and others are left to clean up the mess. I would feel badly about that if it wasn't likely that they were similarly douchetastic and would have forged the same path if given the opportunity.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


"I do not think that word means what you think it means." - The Princess Bride


It is not a word.

I don't care how many times you use it, be it written or spoken, it is not a word. I looked. Again. It is considered slang - at best. The verb you are looking for when you foolishly say that you need to "conversate" with someone? Is simple.


Let this be a lesson that whenever you attempt to make yourself seem smarter or more literate by making a word longer, the exact opposite occurs.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


"I do not think that word means what you think it means." - The Princess Bride

 Oh, Tom.....

I told you Tom would quickly become a site favorite. Here's his most recent faux pas.

"The greatest challenge in 2009 for the program was a major lack of funding and consecrated effort from those responsible for revenue."

Consecrated? I mean, clearly he meant concentrated but he wanted to go further, aim higher, look.....smarter. Until he didn't.

How does one consecrate an effort anyway?