Here's a great overview of where some of the SEC'ers responsible for oversight of the Madoff funds have moved on to. No surprise, they appear to have Failed Upwards.
Now we know why it is always referred to as a revolving door between the government and the private sector. This lot would be too stupid to figure out a swinging door.
Since much of this blog will involve foolishness I've encountered at the workplace, I'll have to keep the ID to a minimum. You know, for my three readers.
That being said, this blog has been created to highlight the many experiences we all have with stupid people going further than they ever should. I'll feature examples, stories, and my favorite, a feature dedicated solely to the ongoing and extensive misuse of words. Have something to share? Please do!
Now we know why it is always referred to as a revolving door between the government and the private sector. This lot would be too stupid to figure out a swinging door.